Last weekend I went out to Sweetwater again to help my Mom with the mini-golf stuff. I'm actually getting a pretty good tan! And I'm getting better and better with the brick work. My brother came out and helped, which was awesome! A lot more gets accomplished when he's there. My Mom has a really bad habit of getting side tracked. My Mom's friend, Thersea, came out to help clean up. Her boyfriend came with her as well as her 3 daughters. Daughter "N" and I used to be friends but about 5 or 6 years ago we got in a huge fight because she said something and I got really mad and cussed at her. It was really bad, and stupid. This was way before I changed my life and started living for Christ! Anyways, when they first got there I was a little nervous because "N" and I hadn't spoke since then. She was attending TSTC at the same time as me, but I was still rude and ignored her. "N" and her sisters, "C" & "P" had no idea that I am a totally different person now. So anyways, like I said I was really nervous about the whole thing. Oh and I guess I should have said this first, these girls are pretty rough! "P" just got out of prison within the last year or so for trying to kill her mom and sisters! OK so back to me being nervous. "C" was the first to talk to me. She was really nice and everything was fine. After awhile "N" and I started talking about little things, like where do these bricks need to go and stuff like that. My Mom came up to me and asked if I was OK with them all being there. I told her of course I was, they're her friends and they all came to help. My Mom said that she would ask them to leave if I wanted her to because she knows they don't exactly live the the life I do. I told my Mom it was really OK, and besides I'm supposed to bring the kingdom of God to everyone I meet. This made my Mom really proud of me. It was a little awkward, but whatever. They only stayed for about 2 hours. The rest of the day was spent with me and Joey figuring stuff out. OK so it was more like me going and getting stuff while Joey figured out how much wood was needed or at what angle to cut whatever. But still, I was helping. Then around 7:30 I left my kids with my Mom so I could go get a tattoo! I got Alexis' name tattooed on me when she was just a year or so. So of course Anoe asks all the time about why I don't have her name. So I had finally decided to do it. It's really cute! I love it!
Sunday morning I woke up before everyone else and thought it would be a great time for me to take shower before Anoe gets up and starts messing with stuff. Well when I walked out of the bathroom my Mom, Symantha, and Anoe were sitting right there and started singing Happy Birthday to me. It was really funny. For my birthday they gave me 3 baskets full of bath stuff. I really like to decorate my bathroom with the cut soaps and stuff, but 3 baskets? I was like WOW! Do I smell or something? Anyways, we all got up and went out to the lot. About 10:00 Theresea showed up with her boyfriend again. Her kids weren't with her this time. A couple of hours later "N" came too. We ended up talking a lot on Sunday. It was really good. She just got out of prison a month ago. But she had a baby 8 months ago when she was still in prison. So she's really struggling to get used to life with a baby and not going back to using drugs and stuff. I'm really glad we got to talk so much Sunday. I told her I would go to church with her on the weekends I'm out in Sweetwater. When it was lunch time we had a roast with vegetables. Roast is one of my favorite things to eat, so that worked out really well for me. I had already talked to my Mom and Symantha about not making a big deal about my birthday because I've been having a really hard time with it this year. Well, the did a really good job considering they ususally make a huge deal of everything. Theresea and Mark (the boyfriend) had brought an ice cream cake with them when they came. (Which was a secret to me.) And they all sang Happy Birthday to me again. It was really nice. I've more or less come to terms with being 30 and still not having a husband or even a prospective boyfriend. It's not so bad really. I've been super blessed with two amazing kids! Sunday afternoon I noticed that I had a tan line on my wrist where the my gloves stopped! So I was trying to work without them but I kept cutting myself so I decided that it was better to have a tan line than ugly hands.
Monday was pretty darn boring. Alexis started runnig a fever so she could go to shcool. I found out Monday afternoon that another little girl at HHC had tested positive for the flu, so I figured that's what was wrong with Alexis. I was really not wanting to spend a lot of money on medicine and doctors visit though. I told Alexis that if she was still sick and running a fever on Tuesday we would go ahead and go to the doctor though. We prayed that God would just take care of it and she would start feeling better! When we went to bed she still wasn't feeling to good though. In the morning when she got up she felt better though! She wanted to go to school, I told her she couldn't because it hadn't been 24 hours since her fever had been gone. (I'm a stickler about that rule.)
Tuesday was a lot of fun. The Judge married a couple at 9:00 then we had small claims hearing at 10:00 and one at 10:30. The defendants for both cases actually showed up. Usually the only people that show up are the plaintiffs. So it was exciting to have so many people in my office.
Then on Wednesday Alexis had an ARD meeting. I got the letter on Monday telling me she had the ARD meeting, so I asked if I could take time off to go to it. Well when I got to the Intermediate school, they had no idea what I was talking about. They called the Abilene office to see what had happened, but couldn't figure out what was going on. They did have a paper they wanted me to sign, they were going to mail it to me but since I was already there I just went ahead and signed it. While I was there I received a call but didn't answer it because I was trying to figure out what was going on. When I left I went ahead and checked my voicemail, which I usually only do once every two weeks. As it turns out the ARD meeting was for Anoe! I felt so silly! I hurried and rushed over to the Elementary. Sometimes I can be such a dork!
And now Thursday. It's Valentines day and I'm so glad it's over! I'm really not into the whole Valentines day thing. I don't think I would be even if I did have a boyfriend though. It just kind of seems pointless. We're having our Girl Scout Cookie Booth sale tomorrow night from 5:30 to 7:00. It's supposed to be super cold! Hopefully they'll let us set up inside instead of having to sit out in the freezing cold.