Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The 4th of July!!!

I love the entire 4th of July holiday. I love everything about it. What it stands for, what we're celebrating, time off of work, paid time off of work! I really try to make a point of telling the girls why exactly we're celebrating. Not just because it's a Wednesday and we get to sleep in. But the real reason. How lucky we are to have the freedom we do. And how many people have died and will die to give us this freedom. I want my girls to grow up loving and appreciating what they have. All to often we take for granted all the freedoms we have. I think in part that is why I'm so interested in the war and other countries that don't have our freedom. It makes me even more thankful for what I have.

Now, onto another note. I so want to know what everyone is doing for the holiday. My girls and I are going over to my friend Cherry's house for an all day swim/BBQ party. Then in the evening we might go to Nelson Park to watch the fireworks. Not really sure about the evening yet. Oh and we plan on sleeping in and doing a little happy dance! We get to sleep in, hang out with friends all day, and I'll be getting paid for it! This is so the life for me!!!


Pamelotta said...

I want to go to the place where that picture was taken to watch fireworks! Beautiful!!!

Brandi Wilson said...

I have to admit that I don't think much about the 4th of July. I've never thought much about it.
Randy always works on the 4th so it's just another day around here. Tomorrow night we might go see the fireworks. We usually do.
I need to be more like you...I need to be thankful and mindful for the freedom we have!

Tamara said...

Ready to laugh? We are running a fireworks tent for the 3rd year in a row...REALLY CRAZY!!! WILD AND FUN! XOXOXO I have finished my quesitons...and think I lost the answers...I will be sending them soon! XOXOXO

ericaprosser said...

A- I LOVE the 4th too. We spent last evening at Doug & Monica's watching fireworks from their hot tub and eating s'mores. It was perfect.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you wrote this blog! I want to do that with my kids-explain each holiday, what it means, and why we celebrate. Cole can help a lot, because he has a degree in history. Wow! You get 1500 mom points!

Amanda said...

Yay for Mom points!!! Alexis even told me that this was the best 4th of July ever!