Thursday, July 12, 2007

My sick baby

Tuesday morning Alexis had a pretty high fever and a little bit of a cough. So I gave her some Children's Motrin and let her go with me to work. I called her doctor when they opened at 9:00 a.m. They were able to see her at 10:30! So we went to the doctor and they tested her for strep but it came back negative. The doctor said that he couldn't find anything wrong with her. He said if she still had a fever on Friday to call and make an appointment for Saturday morning. But he didn't have a diagnosis for her. She was OK until around 4:00. Her fever started coming back and her cheeks were getting a little red. I went and bought a thermometer so I could see exactly how high her fever was. When we got home it was 100.6. I gave her some more Motrin and she took a cool bath. After awhile she started feeling better again. We watched a little Grey's Anatomy and went to sleep.

Then this morning at 3:30 Alexis woke me up again and told me she didn't feel good. She was coughing A LOT! I took her temp and it was 102.4. I gave her some more motrin and something for her cough. I checked her temp again about 20 minutes later and it was up to 103.2 so I called my Mom (who is a nurse in Sweetwater and works the night shift) and asked her if she thought I should go ahead and take Alexis to the ER. She said I should take her out to Sweetwater to go to their ER and then Symantha would keep her today for me. I got Anoe up and dressed and we left for Sweetwater. They drew blood since she had already had a strep test the day before. The doctor said there was a little fluid in her left ear but it wasn't infected. He diagnosed her with Fifth Disease. So there's really nothing that I can do for her except keep her fever down with Motrin.

Please pray that Alexis begins feeling better soon! And pray for me too, I'm pretty tired right now and I get really cranky when I'm tired. Maybe I'll try to take a nap during lunch.

1 comment:

Tamara said...

We've had 5ths disease at our house is not fun and if I remember correctly, the fever can come back and leave and come back and leave...I am so sorry Alexis is is SO NOT FUN! LOVE YOU FROM TN!!!!!