Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Today after school Anoe and Kalista were at my office talking to me. Kalista told me that when she grows up she wants to move to India. I just kind of looked at her weird and said no way! She just giggled and said (all shy like) "I like elephants". So Anoe said that when she grows up she wants to be Mexican. I looked at her with an even crazier look, and said "You already are Mexican", so she said "No, I want to live somewhere Mexican." Shaking my head, I asked her if she meant she wanted to live in Mexico. She just shrugged her shoulders and said "yeah". This little girl is so funny sometimes. I really need to write down all the crazy stuff she does and blog about it more often.

Coming up soon is an update! A lot has happened since I last blogged. Mostly good! Well, actually all of it so good that I can think of. Hopefully I won't be so busy at work tomorrow and I'll have time to actually blog!! :)

1 comment:

God's Warrior Bride said...

Your girls are so sweet and this blog made me laugh so hard. I remember all to well wanting to me African or Jamaican because I just thought it was so cool. Gosh, I still think it's cool. Who knows maybe I'll at least get to visit there someday.

Can't wait for your next post.