Tuesday, September 25, 2007

One Year Anniversary

Today is my one year anniversary for working as a Court Clerk in Callahan County! I'm so excited about this. Last night I was thinking about how much I have changed in the last year. One short year ago today I was scared and nervous and didn't really think I could do this job. Now I'm pretty confident in the answers I give and answering questions. Even dealing with the people that aren't very nice. I've learned to just pray for them and not to take it personal. They're really not mad at me, but I am the one they talk to, so I'm the one that has to hear it. I was constantly in Judge Chapman's office asking him questions. It seemed like I was having to ask the same questions over and over again. I still have to ask questions every once in awhile (especially since a whole bunch of new laws just went into effect) but I'm not asking as many as I was before. I didn't think I was going to like my boss, he seemed kind of mean. But now I totally love my boss and his wife! I quickly found out after the lady that was here before left, that my boss is absolutely awesome! He even sent me a rose today and the card read Happy Anniversary. I even called him by his first name instead of Judge Chapman three times today. This was the first time I've ever called him by his first name to his face and I've only called him Roy a couple of times when talking about him to other people. I am so blessed that my sister told me about this job! And my boss is super nice to my kids! Anoe loves him to death!

So, yay me for making it this first year! I'm so excited to see what this next year brings!


Cherryberry said...

Happy Anniversary!!!
I am sorry I missed it yesterday.
Wow, I'm impressed. Roy, three times at that.
You go, Girl.
i love you
Yay Amanda

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! God's going to bless you even more this next year! Keep up the good work...hehe...work.