Monday, September 3, 2007

First Week of School

So this week has been an extremely busy week! The girls started school, I was really sick one day, and I've actually been having to do work at work. What the heck? Usually I do a little work, read some blogs, do a little work, do whatever, you know just work at my own pace so I don't run out of stuff to do. I was off Monday for the kids first day, so of course Tuesday was pretty busy. Then on Wednesday morning I started feeling a little nauseous. I felt that way all day. I started actually getting sick later in the day. It was the worse day ever. When I got home I fixed a plate of Pizza Rolls for the kids and when they were done I went to bed. I was asleep by 7:15 pm. I totally expected to wake up to some pretty horrible messes the next morning. But my sweet and kind Alexis picked up ALL the messes Anoe had made! Alexis is so sweet to me when I'm sick.

But on to the first week of school...

Anoe- LOVES school! She's made some new friends and is really enjoying herself. The first couple of days were a little rough after school, but she's getting used to all the new rules and stuff. On the first day of school I picked Anoe up from school and took some pictures of her, then we went to Alexis school so we could pick her up. When Alexis came up we went up to her so I could take some pictures of her too. Anoe was so excited to see her she was hugging her so hard it was hurting Alexis. Alexis tried telling her to stop but Anoe wasn't stopping. So Alexis finally had to push her off and Anoe fell to the ground. Anoe got mad because Alexis had "choked" and pushed her. (Anoe really can be such a drama queen sometimes!) So Alexis wanted me to meet her new friend, but Anoe crossed her arms across her chest and took off running to the car. We parked in the parking lot on the school property but you have to cross the "street" to get to it. Instead of meeting Alexis new friend I had to chase down Anoe and scold her about running out in the street. The next day of after-school wasn't any easier! After the bus drops them off 1/2 a block away they come to my work for snacks and if I can remember to bring "play" clothes they change. On Tuesday after work we all go to the Library since they're open til 6 on Tuesdays. So when the 5 o'clock bells ring Anoe takes off and runs across the street again! Alexis and I are following her so that I can talk to Anoe again about why she shouldn't cross the street without looking and that stuff. Instead of going to the Library Anoe turns the corner to go to Jennifer's house. Alexis and I just keep going to the Library and Anoe follows us when she realizes we're not following her anymore. I make the girls take turns on who will be able to borrow a movie from the Library. The last two times Anoe had got the movie so I told her it was Alexis turn this time but she could get a book if she wanted. She got mad and yelled at me IN THE library! Can I tell you how much that upset me? So I take her outside and Jennifer and her kids are walking up to go to the Library so I ask Jennifer if Alexis can go in with her so she doesn't have to punished for Anoe. I grab Anoe by the hand and we start walking back to my work. By this time Anoe has earned 2 pops and she crying because she doesn't want them and she wants to get a movie. I'm just like whatever just get in the car. Well as I'm getting all of our stuff in the car Anoe goes up on the sidewalk and starts crying even louder. The police station is now located right next to my work, and all the police people on duty come out to see what is going on. I told them it was just my daughter throwing a fit. They thought someone had gotten hurt. I was thinking in my head, "Oh's she's going to be hurt" but of course I didn't say that to him. So anyways, back to the police officer. He's talking to Anoe and asks her if she wants to come in the police station to look at the drug dog. Anoe says yes and in we go. While we're in the police station the Police Chief is asking her questions like what grade is she in, how old is she, does she like school. You know all questions that she should be able to answer easily. Oh no not my Anoe! She keeps shrugging her shoulders and saying I don't know. She kept trying to touch stuff on the secretary's desk and I told her no. Then she yelled at me "You're going to make me mad!" The police officer asked her why she was going to get mad at her Mom and she said "Because she's mean!" I was so embarrassed! When we finally got in the car I was fuming! I drove to the library to see if Alexis was ready to leave yet. Jennifer said she could stay the night so Anoe and I left. Anoe cried the entire way home! I was so mad I couldn't even talk to her. I just kept praying God would help me. My step-mom called and wanted to know if we wanted to meet for dinner since she was in town. Anoe and I went, and my brother and his wife came also. It was fun. Symantha pretty much maintained Anoe so I didn't have to deal with her. When we did get home Anoe had to go to her room and I stayed out in the living room watching TV. I still couldn't bring myself to pop Anoe. I was still so mad with her.

The rest of the week went a ot better! I think she had to get used to all the new stuff. She's been going to the same daycare since she was two. So this whole starting school is a major thing in her world. At daycare the kids took a 2 1/2 to 3 hour nap every day and now at school they only have a 30 minute rest period. It takes Anoe at least 30 minutes to just calm down and get settled. So I know she's not taking a nap anymore. I'm really trying to take all this in consideration, but sometimes it's so hard!

Alexis- Loves her new school. Of course she has a lot of new friends. She is a social butterfly after all. Her teacher is super sweet and she really likes everything about her new school. On the first day of school as we were chasing Anoe across the street she said "This was the best day ever!" I was so happy to hear that. I've been so worried about how the whole move would affect her. (In retrospect I should have been worrying a little more about Anoe) Alexis made friends with a little boy that she kind of knew from church. His name is Trenton. (I'm not sure if I spelled his name right) They've talked on the phone everyday since Tuesday! He even sat with her during worship on Sunday. There's really not much to tell about Alexis first week of school. Pretty uneventful. She's really happy and everything is going good so far!


ericaprosser said...

maybe Anoe could use another trip to the police station- and someone very official like the judge or a cop could sit her down in a big hard chair and let her know what happens to little girls who disrespect their mothers.
my mom did that to me. I will never forget it.

ericaprosser said...

maybe Anoe could use another trip to the police station- and someone very official like the judge or a cop could sit her down in a big hard chair and let her know what happens to little girls who disrespect their mothers.
my mom did that to me. I will never forget it.

Rachel said...

I'm so glad that Alexis has made a friend in Trenton!! The two of them will probably be good for each other! I'm sorry that Anoe has had a hard time adjusting! Payton kind of has, too. But, I have to remember that by the end of the day, he's exhausted because now he doesn't get to rest at all. I'm sure it will get better!!

P.S. Just my opinion, but I'm proud of you for being the awesome mom that you are!! Not over-reacting and not giving in. . . waiting until you calm down to discipline and just having patience. . . you are amazing!!

Amanda said...

Erica - I think that would work for Alexis but not with Anoe. She talks to the Judge all the time. He is my boss and she loves him! He's always really sweet to both of my girls.

Rachel - Thank you so much for that. That really made me feel good. It's nice to hear that someone thinks I'm doing a good job.