Monday, October 1, 2007

Love/Hate Relationships

We all have Love/Hate relationships! You Love to Hate them and Hate to Love them. UGH!!! Why oh why do we have to have these types of relationships? Why can't everything just be beautiful and perfect with pink flowers everywhere? OK so that was a little much, but you get the idea. I have a Love/Hate relationship with repentance. I love it because I'm getting closer and closer to God and it feels so good to repent of something and start over with a new slate! But I hate it because I really don't prefer to admit when I'm wrong or when my thinking has been wrong.

Well, the sermon on Sunday showed me some stuff that was wrong in my thinking. I felt so convicted! And I have since repented to both of the people involved. Jennifer, my beautiful sister and Laura, a lady that lives across the hall from me. I felt really good after I repented to Laura! I now know my thinking was so wrong! And I have changed my thinking of the situtation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Party for you! Woo-hoo! You get rid of that junk! You're my hero! I'm proud of you-but more than that-God's proud of you. Isn't it great that He loves us no matter what-but we can choose to get closer to Him? You just did that by repenting! You look more like Jesus!