Tuesday, March 24, 2009

TAKS test

Alexis brought home her TAKS test results for the reading portion Monday afternoon. She was so excited when she gave it to me. She said she just knew she did good on it. She didn't though. It broke my heart to have to tell her she didn't pass any of the sections. She'll have to retake it on April 29th. If she doesn't pass the TAKS test, she'll have to repeat 5th grade. I seriously almost hate TAKS tests. And I don't think anyone should hate anything. But the TAKS test comes very close. I think the worst part is knowing she tried her best and she honestly thought she did great.


Brandi Wilson said...

That is so sad. I'm sorry she didn't pass. Like you said, it's so sad that you know she did her best and she thought she passed. We need to be praying that on April 29th she will pass will flying colors. I do not want her to have to be in 5th grade again.

Anonymous said...

I am educational consultant who researches standardized tests and provide workshops for schools on the TAKS. If you would like my help, I will be more than happy to accomodate. My bio is at www.fortword.com under the author tab. If you feel comfortable in sending me your telephone number and a time that is convenient, I will be more than happy to call you on my dime. If a child can get one question correct, he/she is capable of getting all of them correct. It is only a matter of the correct tools and a good attitude.

Have a great day.
Ms. Mac